Masculinizing Body Lift Surgery in Miami Florida

masculinizing body lift In Miami, FLIn patients who have significant loose skin not only effecting the belly area but also the outer thighs and buttocks a body lift will be the ideal procedure. This procedure in Dr Gallagher’s hands will not only be body contouring but also gender affirming as she ensures no feminization of the torso results.

Most patients who are candidates for this procedure have lost a lot of weight (typically more than 50lbs). This is often from bariatric surgery or more commonly now weight loss medications such as the Semaglutides.

What is included in a masculinizing body lift?

This procedure usually incorporates all the masculinizing tricks of the masculinizing tummy tuck and liposuction but in addition we get rid of extra tissue on the patient’s back and do a buttock and outer thigh lift. It is important to note that this surgery does very little for the inner thighs- a inner thigh lift would be needed for that.

In most patients Dr Gallagher will use liposuction at the same time to better define the ab muscles and get rid of unwanted curves. Usually, the surgery includes a pubic lift which is often a step in metoidioplasty. This helps bring bottom growth closer to the front and therefore improves its function.

masculinizing body lift Lower Back In Miami, FL
masculinizing body lift Torso Before & After In Miami, FL
We are careful to align the patient’s torso with their gender identity.
masculinizing Lower body lift before & after In Miami, FL
masculinizing Lower body lift before & after In Miami, FL
masculinizing Lower body lift before & after in Miami, FL

What to expect

This surgery is done under general anesthetic and usually takes 3-4 hours.

Patients will need to stay in town at least one week after surgery. Dr Gallagher performs this surgery drainfree. Most patients go back to work 2-3 weeks after surgery and return to full activities usually at 6-8 weeks.