Masculinizing Tummy Tuck in Miami Florida

For some transmasculine or nonbinary patients the chest may not be the only thing causing dysphoria. A lot of patients are choosing to align their entire torso with their gender identity, not just the chest. In this way at the same time as top surgery or indeed afterwards we are eliminating curves in the torso and creating a more androgynous look. Depending on the patient’s anatomy they may require a masculinizing tummy tuck to achieve these goals. Usually, candidates for a masculinizing tummy tuck are folks who are bothered by an hourglass frame, curves, 6 pack separation or weakness, and especially a lot of loose skin. Tummy tucks can be especially useful in folks who have undergone a lot of weight loss or may have had a previous pregnancy causing weakness in the abdominal muscles.

Masculinizing tummy tuck is the most powerful tool we have to sculpt and transform the entire torso.

During masculinizing tummy tuck we combine the use of liposuction to help eliminate curves and define the abdominal muscles better. We also remove as much loose skin and stretch marks as possible. If the patient has separation or weakness of the six pack muscles, we fix them at this time however we are very careful not to cinch in the waist and create an hourglass type frame which is oftentimes done in typical tummy tucks. We are mindful to keep a natural masculine silhouette. Dr Gallagher keeps the scar straight and low to masculinize the appearance further. Tummy tuck scars tend to heal better than chest scars and Dr Gallagher will come up with a personalized scar protocol to optimize it. In most patients with time the scar will disappear.

What to expect

Most folks who opt for a masculinizing tummy tuck can expect to be in the Florida area for at least one week. Like top surgeries Dr. Gallagher uses a special drain free technique in order to ease postoperative pain and discomfort and speed up recovery. Most patients will take about four weeks off work and about eight weeks off working out or strenuous activity.

masculinizing Tummy Tuck In Miami, FL
Example of the type of patient who does best with masculinizing tummy tuck.
before & after masculinizing Lower body lift In Miami, FL
Miami masculinizing Lower body lift before & after
Liposuction In Miami, FL
In most cases Dr Gallagher combines liposuction with the tummy tuck to eliminate unwanted curves.
Liposuction & Tummy Tuck In Miami, FL
Dr Gallagher is very careful not to create an “hour glass” frame but instead to align the shape to the individual’s gender identity.

What is different about the Masculinizing tummy tuck?

  • We keep the hip to waste ratio as close to one as possible in order to give a manly silhouette and the appearance of broad shoulders. Muscle cinching if needed is done in a way that will avoid an hourglass frame.
  • Liposuction is used to obliterate the unwanted curves and love handles as well as better define the abdominal muscles (6 pack)
  • The scar is kept low and straight in alignment with the masculine anatomy.
  • Dr Gallagher usually does masculinizing tummy tucks drainfree adapting her masculoplasty (drainfree top surgery) technique to the abdomen.
Figure 1Understanding hip to waste ratio- the first picture has a hip to waste ratio below 1 which gives a more feminine silhouette the second is after reducing the curves and bringing the hip to waste ratio closer to 1.

Frequently asked questions about masculinizing tummy tuck

Can I combine masculinizing tummy tuck with top surgery or other procedures?

In most patients this is an option, Dr Gallagher will review your medical history and make sure that we aren’t doing too much surgery at once however in most cases this is doable. A lot of our patients will undergo revision at the same time as tummy tuck or other types of body contouring procedures such as a circumferential body lift, thigh lift or brachioplasty.

What type of patient needs a masculinizing tummy tuck rather than just torso masculinization?

With typical torso masculinization we’re using liposuction to eliminate curves however there is a limit how much the body can shrink skin after surgery and in some folks the skin won’t shrink well at all. If there is a lot of loose skin in the first place a tummy tuck is likely a much better option as liposuction alone can worsen the appearance of the loose skin. Tummy tuck also can address weakness of the abdominal muscles and get rid of stretch marks, which just liposuction cannot do.

How long do the drains stay in after the Tummy tuck?

Doctor Gallagher does not use drains for masculinizing tummy tucks in the vast majority of cases we’re able to obliterate the Dead Space left behind in a similar fashion as we do with top surgery. This helps patient discomfort, speeds up recovery and there is evidence that it decreases the rate of complications.

Figure 2 Immediately after masculinizing tummy tuck which was combined with a revision top surgery. Original top surgery done elsewhere.