Male Breast Reduction in Miami

If you’re a man with enlarged breasts or excess skin due to weight loss, you may feel self-conscious or even experience physical discomfort. The good news is that Dr. Gallagher, a highly experienced surgeon in Miami, offers a variety of effective treatments to help you achieve a flatter, more masculine-looking chest. With her background in reconstructive and gender affirming surgery, Dr. Gallagher helps hundreds of patients every year achieve a more masculine look.

Which Gynecomastia technique is right for you?

For men with less severe cases of gynecomastia, Dr. Gallagher uses a different technique that involves hiding the scar in the nipple area. This method can help flatten out the chest and restore a more masculine appearance, without leaving any visible scarring. This is the keyhole technique, and it can be done with or without a nipple reduction depending on the patient’s needs.

If the patient has some loose skin Dr. Gallagher may recommend a skin tightening technique as part of the treatment these include the Morpheus or Bodytite.


One of the most popular procedures Dr. Gallagher performs is called Masculoplasty®. This transformative technique involves removing excess skin and tissue while repositioning the nipple to create a more masculine appearance. This is the ideal procedure for a patient who has a lot of extra tissue or sagging. The scars are carefully concealed under the pec muscles.

What to expect with male Breast Reduction surgery

Whether you opt for Masculoplasty® or the keyhole technique, you can expect Dr. Gallagher to work closely with you to determine the best approach for your unique needs and goals. She will take the time to understand your concerns and answer any questions you may have, so you can make an informed decision about your treatment. Depending on the patients’ health and examination some extra testing may be needed before undergoing surgery.

Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery

If you choose to undergo gynecomastia surgery, you can expect to go home the same day as your procedure in most cases. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and typically takes around two hours, depending on the amount of tissue to be removed. Recovery time varies, but most patients can return to work within one to two weeks. Most patients are usually back to working out and heavy lifting within 6 weeks.

Nipple Reduction Surgery

Nipple reduction is a relatively simple procedure that can be performed under local anesthesia in Dr. Gallagher’s Miami office. This procedure can help improve the appearance of enlarged or protruding or puffy nipples, which can be a source of embarrassment or discomfort for many people.

Dr. Gallagher has performed countless nipple reduction surgeries and is well-versed in the latest techniques and technologies. She will take the time to understand your concerns and help you determine the best approach for your unique needs and goals.

During your consultation, Dr. Gallagher will examine your nipples and discuss the potential benefits and risks of nipple reduction. She will also explain the procedure in detail, so you know what to expect before, during, and after your surgery.

The nipple reduction procedure typically involves making small incisions around the edge of the nipple and removing a small amount of tissue. Dr. Gallagher will then reshape the remaining tissue to create a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. The procedure usually takes less than an hour and can be performed awake.

Gynecomastia Surgery in Miami
Male Nipple Correction Before and After Photos in Miami