Clitoris Reduction in Miami

Dr. Gallagher is a leading expert in the field of genital surgery, dedicated to helping individuals achieve their desired aesthetic and functional goals with compassion and precision.

Clitoromegaly refers to the enlargement of the clitoris, which is a highly sensitive and erectile structure located at the top of the vulva. The criteria for diagnosing clitoromegaly may vary depending on medical guidelines and individual circumstances. However, here are some general criteria commonly considered:

Size: Clitoromegaly is typically characterized by a clitoral size that exceeds the normal range. The average size of the clitoris in an adult woman is approximately 0.5 to 1.5 centimeters when measured in a relaxed state. Clitoromegaly often involves a clitoral size that is significantly larger than this range. Most patients will report that the condition becomes a lot more noticeable on arousal.

Visual Appearance: In addition to size, clitoromegaly may also be identified by visual cues. The clitoris may appear more prominent or protruding, extending beyond the clitoral hood, which is the protective fold of skin covering the clitoral glans. Many patients may also have excess labia also.

Hormonal Influence: Clitoromegaly can be influenced by hormonal imbalances or excess androgen (male hormones) in the body. Conditions such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and certain tumors can lead to hormonal imbalances that contribute to clitoromegaly. In many cases Dr Gallagher treats no specific cause of clitoromegaly is found, however.

Symptoms: Clitoromegaly can cause physical discomfort, pain, or sensitivity due to the increased size and exposure of the clitoral tissue. Emotional and psychological distress may also be experienced by individuals with clitoromegaly, especially if it affects their body image or sexual well-being. This is very common amongst our patients and is the usual reason they seek treatment.

How Clitoromegaly is treated

Dr. Gallagher offers a range of surgical approaches to clitoris reduction, tailored to each patient’s unique anatomy and desired outcomes. During an initial consultation, she will carefully evaluate your specific situation, discuss your concerns, and develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

One possible surgical approach for clitoris reduction is clitoroplasty, a procedure that involves carefully reshaping and reducing the glans of the clitoris, clitoral hood and tissue surrounding the clitoris. This approach aims to achieve a more proportional and aesthetically pleasing appearance while preserving the clitoris’s essential sensory function.

Depending on the patient’s anatomy, this may be combined with a labiaplasty of the minora also.

Dr. Gallagher’s meticulous surgical technique focuses on minimizing scarring and preserving sensitivity. The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia to ensure your comfort throughout the process. Dr. Gallagher and her experienced team will provide thorough pre-operative instructions and post-operative care guidelines to support your recovery and optimize results.

Recovery from clitoral reduction

Following clitoris reduction surgery, patients can expect some swelling and discomfort, which can be managed with appropriate pain medications. It is essential to follow Dr. Gallagher’s post-operative instructions diligently to promote proper healing. As your body heals, you will begin to notice a transformation in the appearance of your clitoris, achieving a more harmonious and comfortable genital aesthetic.

Dr. Gallagher understands the importance of open communication and empathy in addressing intimate concerns such as clitoromegaly. She provides a safe and supportive environment where patients can freely discuss their needs and expectations. With her expertise and dedication, Dr. Gallagher aims to enhance your overall well-being and confidence, helping you achieve the desired outcome.

If you are considering clitoris reduction surgery or have any questions, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gallagher. Take the first step towards a more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing genital appearance, knowing that you are in the hands of a leading expert in genital surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions about Clitoral Reduction in Miami

Who is a suitable candidate for clitoral reduction surgery?

Individuals who experience clitoromegaly and its associated symptoms, such as physical discomfort or psychological distress, may be suitable candidates for clitoral reduction surgery. It is important to consult with a qualified surgeon who specializes in genital surgery to determine if this procedure is appropriate for you.

How is clitoral reduction surgery performed?

Clitoral reduction surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia. The specific surgical technique may vary based on individual circumstances and desired outcomes. The procedure usually involves reshaping and reducing the clitoris, the clitoral hood, and surrounding tissues to achieve a more proportional and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

What is the recovery process like after clitoral reduction surgery?

The recovery process varies for each individual, but it typically involves a period of rest and healing. Patients may experience some swelling, discomfort, and temporary changes in sensation. The surgeon will provide detailed post-operative instructions and recommendations for pain management, hygiene, and follow-up appointments.

Will clitoral reduction surgery affect sexual sensation or function?

The primary goal of clitoral reduction surgery is to improve physical comfort and alleviate distress associated with clitoromegaly. While the procedure aims to preserve clitoral function and sensitivity, there may be temporary changes in sensation during the healing process. It is essential to discuss any concerns regarding sexual function with Dr Gallagher during the consultation.

Are there any risks or complications associated with clitoral reduction surgery?

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications involved. These may include infection, bleeding, scarring, changes in sensation, or unsatisfactory aesthetic outcomes. However, choosing a highly skilled and experienced surgeon like Dr Gallagher can help minimize these risks.