Lower Body Lift in Miami

Losing weight is a journey that requires dedication and hard work. For some, achieving their weight loss goals may require the use of Semaglutide medications like Ozempic® or Wegovy®. Ozempic® has been shown to be effective in helping patients lose weight, but it’s not uncommon for patients to experience excess sagging skin, particularly in the lower body area. This can be frustrating and make it difficult to fully enjoy the benefits of their weight loss. Luckily, there is a solution – a lower body lift.

What is a Lower Body Lift?

A lower body lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that targets excess skin and fat in the lower body area, including the buttocks, outer thighs, and back in addition to the abdomen. It is most requested by patients who have undergone significant weight loss and a tummy tuck alone won’t take care of all the problem areas. The procedure involves making a “belt” type incision all the way around the waistline and using it to remove the excess skin and fat and lift and sculpt the whole area.

Patients who have lost significant weight using Ozempic® may notice sagging skin and excess fat in their lower body area. This can be particularly frustrating after putting in so much hard work to lose the weight. A lower body lift can help patients achieve the toned, contoured appearance they desire by removing excess skin and fat in the lower body area.

Not only does it get rid of the extra abdominal skin and tighten the six pack but the other thighs, back and buttocks are lifted and sculpted also.

What to Expect During the Body Lift Procedure?

Dr. Gallagher individualizes each patient’s care to ensure the best possible result. She will discuss with the patient whether a lower body lift is right for them and decide which incisions will work best. In some cases, Dr. Gallagher may suggest using some of the extra tissue to help lift and enhance the buttocks.

Drainless Recovery

The procedure is done under general anesthesia and takes a few hours to complete. Patients usually go home the same day and can shower in a couple of days. Dr. Gallagher is a pioneer in the drain free approach to this procedure – a special stitching technique is used so drains are not used in this surgery. Patients typically are off work for three to six weeks after surgery.

A lower body lift can help patients achieve the toned, contoured appearance they desire and fully enjoy the benefits of their weight loss. It is the most powerful procedure we have to address lose skin. If you are a weight loss patient struggling with excess sagging skin, consider scheduling a consultation with Dr. Gallagher to learn more about how a lower body lift can help you achieve your goals.