Aesthetic Flat Closure After Mastectomy Miami

Dr.Gallagher has extensive experience in breast reconstruction after cancer surgery. She offers a wide range of reconstructive options to patients including implant reconstructions, and options to rebuild the breast using the patient’s own tissue. Many patients will opt to have their reconstruction done or started at the time of their breast cancer surgery. Breast reconstruction can be undertaken at any time by the patient, and is usually covered by their insurance. It is never too late therefore to have a breast reconstructed and Dr. Gallagher has worked with patients years after their original cancer surgery.

Implant Reconstruction

Depending on the patient’s needs and preferences some patients may be able to have an implant placed right away to recreate the breast. More commonly a patient may need a temporary placement of a tissue expander at the time of their breast cancer surgery. This allows for the creation of a pocket into which the future implant will be placed.

Reconstruction from the Patient’s own Tissue

Depending on the patient’s goals and body type sometimes their own “spare parts” can be used to rebuild the breast. This can be in the form of tissue from the back, abdomen or sides. Fat from the patient’s abdomen can also be liposuctioned out and re-injected into the breasts.

Revision after previous reconstruction

If a patient has undergone a previous reconstruction after breast cancer but isn’t completely happy with their results Dr. Gallagher can certainly help. Happily revisions can be covered by a patient’s insurance – even “matching procedures” such as lifts and enlargements on the other breast. The appearance of the reconstructed breast can be improved by a number of different techniques. Many patients will choose to have a lipo-fill procedure to help make corrections with fat liposuctioned from the abdomen and injected into divits on the breast.

Oncoplastic Reduction

Patients who have large breasts and are candidates for breast reduction surgery who then develop breast lumps can have their lump removed by their breast surgeon at the same time as Dr. Gallagher reduces, re-shapes and lefts both breasts as required. Dr. Gallagher works with a team of breast cancer surgeons and when necessary, a co-ordinated procedure can be arranged.

The journey of a patient through a therapeutic or prophylactic mastectomy can be both physically and emotionally challenging. However, modern advancements in medical techniques and evolving perspectives on beauty have led to a growing number of patients embracing the choice of going flat after mastectomy. Dr. Gallagher’s expertise in utilizing a drain-free technique ensures a seamless and natural flat closure, regardless of breast size or patient outcome.

Embracing the Aesthetic Flat Closure

Aesthetic flat closure, also known as going flat, is the empowering choice of not undergoing breast reconstruction after a mastectomy. While breast reconstruction remains a valid option, more women are opting for the flat closure due to various reasons:

Mastectomy patients today are challenging conventional norms and embracing authenticity in all its forms. More and more women are choosing aesthetic flat closure after mastectomy for profound reasons:

Personal Comfort: Many patients find comfort and confidence in their natural bodies after mastectomy. Choosing not to undergo breast reconstruction aligns with their individual preferences and self-image and many would rather avoid an implant or “foreign body”.

Simplification: Reconstruction procedures can be complex and involve multiple surgeries. Opting for the flat closure eliminates the need for additional surgeries, allowing women to focus on recovery and emotional healing.

Reduced Risks and Complications: Any surgical procedure comes with inherent risks. By choosing the aesthetic flat closure, women can avoid potential complications associated with reconstruction surgeries.

Emotional Healing: For some, embracing their new body as it can aid in emotional healing and acceptance of the changes that come with a mastectomy.

Dr. Gallagher’s Expertise: Revolutionizing Flat Closure

Dr. Gallagher’s approach to a mastectomy is redefining the landscape of gender affirming chest surgery, but her techniques are applicable and beneficial to all mastectomy patients. Her expertise lies in utilizing a drain-free technique, ensuring a smooth and natural chest appearance. This technique not only minimizes post-operative discomfort but also accelerates the recovery process. Dr. Gallagher’s proficiency extends to providing exceptional results for patients of all breast sizes and body types.

Key Advantages of Dr. Gallagher’s Approach

Drain-Free Technique: Traditional mastectomy procedures involve the use of drainage tubes post-surgery, which can be uncomfortable and inconvenient. Dr. Gallagher’s drain-free technique reduces patient discomfort and enhances the recovery experience. In peer-reviewed publications it has been shown to decrease the rate of hematoma, seroma and the need for reoperation.

Natural Aesthetic: Regardless of breast size or individual patient body type, Dr. Gallagher’s technique emphasizes achieving a natural chest appearance. This approach aligns with the growing preference for authenticity and body positivity.

Personalized Care: Dr. Gallagher understands that each patient’s journey is unique. Her approach involves close collaboration with patients to tailor the surgical plan according to their preferences and needs.

Mastectomy Miami
Side view of a patient after mastectomy. A drain is placed in the space left behind (green) when the breast tissue is removed.
Mastectomy procedure Miami
Quilting or progressive tension stitches are placed after mastectomy to eliminate space, so no drain is needed.

The choice to embrace an aesthetic flat closure after mastectomy is a powerful expression of self-acceptance and empowerment. Dr. Gallagher’s pioneering expertise in utilizing a drain-free technique and achieving a natural aesthetic sets her apart. As a result, her practice welcomes patients from all over the world for aesthetic flat closure and revisions after mastectomy.

Revisions after Mastectomy

Expertise in Revisions: Dr. Gallagher’s exceptional expertise in aesthetic flat closure revisions is unmatched. Her approach ensures that every revision maintains the integrity of the natural chest appearance, resulting in a harmonious and authentic outcome.

Flat Denial and what can be done

“Flat denial” is a term used to describe the situation where women who have chosen to go flat after mastectomy are left with excess tissue and skin, preventing them from achieving the desired flat and natural appearance. This can lead to physical discomfort, emotional distress, and a lingering sense of dissatisfaction with the surgical outcome. While the choice to go flat is empowering, flat denial can hinder the full realization of this choice. According to one study this happens to 1 in 20 patients who chose to go flat.

In such cases, the expertise of Dr. Gallagher shines as she specializes in aesthetic flat closure revisions, addressing these challenges and restoring a sense of balance and confidence for patients.

Doctor Gallagher offers free virtual consults to women from all over the world who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their chest after flat closure.

We are out of network with insurance but pour team can work with insurance in most instances to get coverage.

A range of different approaches can be used to meet the patients goals and restore a smooth more natural appearance even when there has been radiation to the chest. Dr. Gallagher can use excess tissue from the sides to fill in sunken areas along with fat grafting. Dr Gallagher has revolutionized a technique where even excess upper belly tissue can be used to fill in sunken areas and lift the belly at the same time. Indeed, through the mastectomy incisions the patient can opt to smooth out the upper belly with a reverse tummy tuck at the same time as AFC or revisions.

Bilateral drainfree mastectomy Miami
Bilateral drainfree mastectomy on an individual with a BMI over 45. The dog ears or “side boob” were removed at the first surgery.
Bilateral drainfree mastectomy procedure Miami
This patient was unhappy with the results of her original flat closure done elsewhere. She was interested in having a small mound recreated but without an implant. The excess side tissue and fat grafting were used to obtain this result.
Drainfree Aesthetic Flat Closure Miami
Drainfree Aesthetic Flat Closure.
Drainfree Aesthetic Flat Closure procedure Miami
This patient underwent drainfree mastectomy with a reverse tummy tuck to remove the upper belly folds.