Lip Lifts in Miami

The lip lift is a subtle yet very powerful surgery to restore a youthful appearance and improve fullness of the lips.

Did you know that as we age the upper lip lengthens? Ideally when the mouth is at rest, we should be able to see a few millimeters of the front teeth. At a subconscious level this signals beauty and youth. With age the upper lip descends down and covers the incisors. This transformative procedure subtly enhances the beauty of your lips by lifting the lip back up and improving incisor show, creating natural-looking results that bring a renewed sense of youth and confidence to your smile.

What is a Lip Lift?

A lip lift is a surgical procedure designed to enhance the shape, fullness, and symmetry of the lips by repositioning the upper lip to reveal more of the incisors. A lip lift shortens the space between the nose and upper lip, restoring balance and harmony to the facial features.

Why Choose Dr. Gallagher for Your Lip Lift? Dr. Gallagher is a highly skilled and experienced specialist in facial rejuvenation and aesthetic surgery. With her meticulous attention to detail and artistic approach, she has helped countless patients achieve natural-looking, beautiful results. Dr. Gallagher understands that every patient’s face is unique, and she tailors her approach to meet individual needs, ensuring that each lip lift procedure enhances the patient’s natural beauty.

Benefits of Lip Lift

  1. Improved Incisor Show: By repositioning the upper lip, a lip lift increases the visibility of the incisors when smiling, creating a youthful and attractive smile.
  2. Facial Harmony: A lip lift can restore facial balance by creating proportion and symmetry between the lips, nose, and other facial features.
  3. Enhanced Lip Shape and Fullness: The procedure can enhance the shape and fullness of the lips, creating a more defined and youthful appearance.
  4. Minimal Scarring: Dr. Gallagher utilizes advanced surgical techniques to minimize scarring, resulting in discreet incisions that blend seamlessly with the natural contours of the face.

The Lip Lift Procedure

During the lip lift procedure, Dr. Gallagher makes carefully placed incisions along the base of the nose, where the resulting scars are well-concealed. Through these incisions, excess skin is removed, and the upper lip is lifted and reshaped to achieve the desired outcome. The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia, ensuring your comfort throughout the process. Many patients will add this on also when getting another procedure done under general anesthetic.

Recovery and Results

After the lip lift procedure, you may experience some swelling and bruising, which typically subside within a few days. Dr. Gallagher and her team will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions to facilitate a smooth recovery. As the swelling resolves, you will begin to notice the beautiful results of your lip lift, with improved incisor show and enhanced lip aesthetics. The final results will continue to refine over time, revealing a more youthful and rejuvenated smile.

Lip life Surgery before & after In Miami, FL
Just one week after feminizing lip lift. The scar is already hard to see under the nose and can be hidden with makeup. The lip is lifted so some teeth can be seen giving a more youthful look and more of the vermillion (red part) of the lip can be seen.
Miami Lip Lift Surgery Results before and after
Before and immediately after lip lift.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Gallagher

If you are considering a lip lift procedure to restore youth and beauty to your smile, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gallagher in Miami. During this personalized consultation, Dr. Gallagher will listen to your concerns, assess your facial anatomy, and recommend a customized treatment plan to achieve your desired results.