Gender Affirmation Arm Lift in Miami

“Top Gun” Procedure

In patients that carry a lot of their weight or have extra unwanted skin of the arms a brachioplasty goes very well at the same time as top surgery. When we combine the two we like to call it the Top Gun procedure as you get top surgery AND guns … get it?

These procedures combine very smoothly together, and patients can recover from both at the same time.

How the Procedure Works

During the procedure Dr Gallagher will typically use liposuction to sculpt and (if desired). masculinize the arms by leaving bulk behind over the shoulders and muscles to enhance them. If the patient requires it, then extra are skin can be removed via a brachioplasty. This involves a scar placed on the inside towards the back of the arm. Usually, the top surgery and brachioplasty scars connect to sculpt the sides of the chest and ensure no dog ears are left behind. As usual this surgery is done completely drain free.

Typically, it takes 3-4 hours in the operating room under general anesthesia. Out of town patients usually fly in and stay for one week with us here in Miami approximately.

Most patients take about 2-3 weeks off work and return to the gym around 8 weeks after surgery. This procedure gets best results in folks with a BMI of under 40. Typically, a compression garment is worn on the arms to help with swelling for 6 weeks afterwards.

FTM Gender Affirmation Surgery in Miami
Figure 1 Patient recovering just 3 days after Top Gun procedure combining arm lift and top surgery all done drain free. Everything between the orange lines was removed and liposuction was used to help sculpt the shoulders and arms.
FTM Top Surgery Client Photos
Figure 2 Early brachioplasty and top surgery results.
FTM Brachioplasty Photos in Miami
Figure 3 Being able to connect the top surgery incison with a brachioplasty ensures a very smooth transition making sure we get rid of all the dog ear tissue on the side of the chest.